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Old Wed Nov 16, 2016, 04:49am
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. View Post
Just Another Ref:

Evidently, you think it is okay for one of the parties to a contract to breach the contract just because it feels like it without suffering an consequences.

Like Rich said I would be expecting a check. Why? Because I signed a contract to provide that school with certain services. By signing that contract I promised said school that I would not officiate for any other school but them on that date and time. Now said school wants somebody else to officiate thereby depriving me compensation that I would have earned if I had been able to officiate else where. I can also ensure you that if you had breach the contract with said school said school would be coming after you for the breach of contract penalty.

MTD, Sr.
You're assuming the official actually signed a contract with the school.

Here, we don't. So, there isn't a contract to be broken. There are some policies about cancellations with short notice when the official has already traveled to the game site, but aside from that, there hasn't been anything. Our state officials organization has been negotiation for a little better in that cancellations less then some number of hours before the game time would still be paid something.

If a school contacts our assignor to request that a certain official not be on their game, he's likely to not entertain the request at all unless there is a good reason. If he does, he's just going to switch the official with an official on another similar game, if there is one. No one loses anything.
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Last edited by Camron Rust; Wed Nov 16, 2016 at 04:51am.
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