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Old Thu Nov 10, 2016, 02:54pm
BigT BigT is offline
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Originally Posted by IncorrectCall View Post
Are you saying you should have..?
ART. 1

The head coach is responsible for his/her own conduct and behavior, as well as substitutes, disqualified team members and all other bench personnel. Bench personnel, including the head coach, shall not:

Commit an unsporting foul. This includes, but is not limited to, acts or conduct such as:

a. Disrespectfully addressing an official.

b. Attempting to influence an official's decision.

c. Using profane or inappropriate language or obscene gestures.

d. Disrespectfully addressing, baiting or taunting an opponent.

blasphemous or obscene language.
"an outburst of profanity"
synonyms: oath, swear word, expletive, curse, obscenity, four-letter word, dirty word; More
a swear word; an oath.
plural noun: profanities
irreligious or irreverent behavior.
synonyms: sacrilege, blasphemy, irreligion, ungodliness, impiety, irreverence, disrespect
"some traditional festivals were tainted with profanity"

the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk.
"he was detained on charges of blasphemy"
synonyms: profanity, sacrilege, irreligion, irreverence, taking the Lord's name in vain, swearing, curse, cursing, impiety, desecration; archaicexecration
"the nuns would punish me at least three times a week for my blasphemy"

Maybe I have pushed the definition of c above with my rose colored glasses.

What profanty do you pass on or call T's on when its shouted at the top of a coaches lungs (Question is for all)?
BigT "The rookie"
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