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Old Fri Oct 21, 2016, 11:54am
ltllng ltllng is offline
Patience is important
Join Date: May 2006
Location: St. Louis, MO
Posts: 25
Free throw mechanics

Researching mechanics and who is responsible for what players on a free throw attempt.

Seem to be finding some editing issues in the NFHS manuals.

Within the officials manual, it does not indicate who has responsibility for the players outside of the lane, but within the frontcourt.
The wording discusses the trail (in 2-man and 3-man) with coverage of any player in the backcourt.

We have been taught that the Trail (2-man) and Center (3-man) should indicate any violation of the 3-point line or free throw line extended before the free throw hits the rim, backboard or the free throw ends.

Part of the reason I bring this up is with the changes from 14-15 going back to release, it would seem logical that we shift the coverage in a 3-man system to these players to the Trail official, who is told to "assist on all violations within the court." That way the Center would focus on the more important coverage of rebounding issues after the ball has been released and can close down quicker to get into position for a better look, versus having to watch a minimum 4 or more players and whether they crossed the free throw line, the free throw line extended or the 3 point line before the ball hits.

If you have any reference to help me with this, it would be appreciated.
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