Roster is Correct But Then...
NFHS game. The coach turns in the roster on time and legal. Set one and set two go by with no problems. During the 3 minutes between set 2 and 3 the team runs back into the lockeroom and returns quickly. While checking the players on the floor with submitted lineup everything looks the same except that now the players have all exchanged uniforms with each other. The player who was setting and wearing #2 is now wearing the libero uniform, #7. The libero is wearing #10, the player who wore that is wearing #5, and the previous #5 is now setting and wearing #2.
The coach kept all the numbers in the same spots, the girls just exchanged jerseys and played new positions on the floor. I can't find anything in the book that addresses this. Is it legal? The "correct roster" was submitted prior to the match as required and it stayed at the table. The lineups were always correct because only the numbers are required. The players simply swapped uniforms with each other. There doesn't seem to be anything that I could find that would make this a violation? But it doesn't seem right.
"When I umpire I may not always be right, but I am always final!"