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Old Tue Oct 11, 2016, 01:29pm
Tru_in_Blu Tru_in_Blu is offline
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Originally Posted by jmkupka View Post
That's a simple one.

1) Make sure you have received your fee first.

2) Let both current teams know that you consider anyone present to be guests/fans/whatever of their teams, and if this clown is not removed immediately, you will leave this game and not return.

They will escort him from the field.
About the only time I get a fee in advance is when working scrimmage format games. These are pretty relaxed and informal. Coaches take opportunities for teaching moments. It's usually a 1-umpire game so anything close at second base is rarely debated.

I'm with others who say you cannot leverage the "clown" with members of the other teams. I'm fortunate to not have been in that situation, but I don't think I'd take that path. Often times, UICs and/or TDs are not immediately at hand when you need them, so you have to get by on your own.

Guys like you describe generally don't have much patience. Ignore him for a couple of outs, and he'll be anxious to get to his brewskies.
USA & NFHS Softball
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