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Old Sun Oct 09, 2016, 02:08am
josephrt1 josephrt1 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 128
I do 3 or 4 games a week at multiple levels and I think I'm pretty decent. Last week I had a late afternoon DH. First game went pretty well. The loosing team challenged me on a couple of things were 1) I absolutely saw girl on 3rd tag up and 2) complained that I called obstruction on the SS (on a passed ball) but still called the runner out at the plate. No sweat.

Next game, the team that won the first game was loosing big and now they were unhappy with almost every call. On a caught stealing at 2nd, 3B coach came and said there was no tag; 1st base coach said there was a tag but runner's foot already on bag. This was a one man game so it is hard to make the calls at 2nd. Both catchers had weak arms lot of stealing. And I only call the out if I am sure. I was dead sure on this one and the coaches couldn't agree on what they saw.

Key is having confidence in your game, staying focused and playing through the chirping. I may have blown a close play at 1st early in the 2nd game but worked hard to put it out of my mind and focus on next pitch, next play.
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