I don't know if this is proper web board posting, but I "know" you folks here much better than I know the folks on the baseball board.
There is a thread over there on whether "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" is sung at all ballparks during the 7th inning stretch. Nevermind that the 7th inning stretch in softball is reaching for your post-game beverage of choice
Anyway, some said that at their city's ball park they started singing "God Bless America" either alone or along with "Take Me Out..." after 9/11. This quote was a reply to that...
we gave up singing God Bless America because it was time to move on, were back to only take me out to the ballgame.
That is a sad statement. Was it "time to move on" in 1943? The war is not over, folks. What do you guys & gals think?