It would be great to discuss this is the pre-match, but not every item can be discussed...or be remembered.
As R1, I would give a low finger swirl signal (as discrete as possible as an R1). If the R2 is oblivious, I would call them over at the next timeout or set break to discuss.
As R2, I would do something similar, but it's far easier to be discrete about it.
Ultimately, it's not your responsibility to make these calls (or even see them) on the side opposite your responsibility. Because of that, a reasonable argument could be made that you shouldn't check or even know about the possible illegal alignment, though it's more likely that you would see this as an R1 (during a brief pre-serve check of the court).
I believe that is a strong argument, if the coaches don't notice and you are working with an experienced partner.
Either way, you will be fine. Use your best judgement how to handle this, but I would be *very* reluctant to whistle these violations outside of your duties.