Originally posted by TruBlu
Intentional or unintentional, do you really want to make that distinction?
Want to or not, the rules required it.
If the ASA wants the ump to make every call on a runner hit by a batted ball based on the intent, they are asking us to take on an argument we don't need. 99 out of 100 times if a runner is hit by a fair batted ball and not in contact with a base, while a fielder has a chance to make a play, the runner will be called out.
No, intent only needs to be ruled if the batted ball is
deflected AND hits a runner AND another fielder had an opportunity for an out. The rule is to be fair to the runner - the runner is obligated to stay out of the way of the defense, but can't be held responsible for a deflected ball that changes direction suddenly. Therefore, intent on the part of the runner is required.
How do you guage intent? Some indicators are obvious - reaching out, etc. Others are more subtle - slow roller deflects off F1 toward F5. R1, running from second, has ample opportunity to go around F5 or the ball, but does not change path and is hit by the ball. Judgment - did the runner intentionally get in the way, or was there any indication the runner attempted to get out of the way?