Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
The clarification is poorly worded. The rule involve INT with a throw, but always has been INT with a defender's ability to receive a throw at 1B.
Again, poorly worded. Since the inception of the double base @ first and the BR's allowance to use the white base on certain occasions, the runner lane has been EXPANDED (not transferred) for 3' into the fair side of the baseline basically creating a 6' lane for the BR who may choose to use either base in those given occasions.
And as long as we are talking about poorly worded, I don't see any substantive difference between 1) where the ball is located at the moment of contact (just like we judge fair/foul, etc.), and 2) where the body part it contacted is located at the moment of contact, as they relate to fair/foul and in/out of the running lane.
What is the point or value in creating a different frame of reference?