Originally posted by emaxos
As I read various threads on this and other softball forums, I see frequent references to paranoia over lawsuits.
See my response under the "Need help on a ruling" thread. I think we do make too much of this issue.
Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
I am familiar with a lawsuit where the ball and runner reached the plate and catcher at the same time. The runner didn't really slide, the catcher didn't catch the ball, but the catcher landed on top of the runner (allegedly it was intentional) with the bat under the runner's leg which was broken as a result of the incident. It went to trial, but I think (not sure) it settled prior to conclusion.
Last year, Bollinger settled a death due to lightning lawsuit for $1.5 million.
Presumably, the first case was brought over the allegedly intentional part. Assault is a crime, in addition to the damages from it possibly being the basis for civil action. Proving intent in the case of a sports injury has been very difficult, historically. But, moving a bat out of the way of a play is not assault.
In the case of lightning, umpire's most definitely do have a responsibility to exercise due care and diligence in suspending the game due to threatening weather, darkness, etc. This can easily form the basis for a lawsuit if someone is injured or killed.