Mon Aug 22, 2016, 02:45pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Janesville, WI
Posts: 757
Originally Posted by timasdf
I know that I am resurrecting a thread from 18 months ago, but is this new rule really better for the spirit of the game?
I can understand some thinking that a loss of rally/point for a third TO request was too harsh.
A very common strategy is to use a TO to ice / distract the opposing team's server.
With the new rule, however, a coach can shout TIME OUT moments before the opponent is about to serve, with no real penalty. With the large amount of time administering the UD, the coach gets the full effect of the ice / distraction, without any real penalty.
This may correspond with other rule sets, but I fail to see how this advances the spirit of the game.
Eh. If done well after the beckon of service and is clearly an attempt to disconcert the server, this is sanctionable under 12𣈂朼.
Felix A. Madera
USAV Indoor National / Beach Zonal Referee
FIVB Qualified International Scorer
PAVO National Referee / Certified Line Judge/Scorer
WIAA/IHSA Volleyball Referee