Folks, I assure you i know nothing about the slow pitch game, but in ASA fast pitch if a runner is on base when their turn to bat comes up, they remain on base, their position is skipped in the batting order and the next batter comes up with no penalty. This would happen if there were multiple batting out of order in the inning that were not caught or reported.
The rule is 7.2.D.4 "If batting out of order is discovered...."
4. Runners shall not be removed from the base occupied, except the batter-runner who has been removed from the base by the umpire as in (2) above to bat in the proper position. The correct batter misses their turn at bat with no penalty. The batter following the correct batter in the batting order becomes the legal batter.
Note – Section 2D(1-4): In 16-inch slow pitch an appeal must be made prior to a pitch, legal or illegal, or a hesitation.
I don't know if this applies to the situation you post.