Originally Posted by BlueDevilRef
...Only once did I do a "throw out the clock/all 7 innings" tournament. Once=not again...
Our entire high school season is 7 innings, no clock, no tie breaker, must have a winner. Of course, they are 2 man during the season, 3 man during the last several rounds of the post season, and at most double headers. For HS tournaments, they do add a time limit (fairly long) and use a tie breaker. (The post season, though, remains 7 innings, no time limit, no tie breakers; there have been some marathon games in the state tournament over the years.)
Umpiring these "real" softball games is a lot of fun.
I did one tournament this year with 7 innings, no clock, and a 3 man rotation for 2 man games. A full round for the day was 6 games, of which I and my partners each did four in the rotation. This tournament went to 3 man for the final rounds on Sunday.
Again, this tournament was a lot of fun.
Personally, I prefer the real game vs the unnatural time limit games. There is more time spent per game, but generally that is offset by a more enjoyable game, breaks, and somewhat higher pay.