"Games" is not a uniform unit of measure. There are timed games, and the time limit can range from very short (65-70 minutes) to irrelevant in most cases (1:45+). There are also games that can end in a tie, and games that must have a winner. Among the latter, there are games that use the tie breaker rule and games that play extra innings until someone wins (I've never seen this in summer ball, but it is the rule for high school play here).
It is relatively common here for summer tournaments hosted by a local fastpitch association to have relatively short time limits (70 min is fairly common), spaced every 1:30, where games can end in a tie for pool play.
Such a game is not comparable to a 1:45 time limit / 7 innings game where there must be a winner.
I've always umpired because I enjoy it. The money is nice, but it is far from lucrative, so if I was looking for an actual 2nd income, it would not be from umpiring.
My "personal" limit has gone down with the years, but even so, if there are short time limits, 5 or so in a day is very doable if there is a break in there somewhere. If there is no break, 4 is the max I'm comfortable with (both physically and job-quality wise).
In extreme heat (we do get that here sometimes), the need for breaks increases and the daily limit decreases as a general rule.
It is rare for umpires around here to be willing to commit to being available start to finish, so the "ideal" of 3 man rotations for 2 umpire games is not a realistic scenario for most tournaments. Besides, the vast majority of our tournaments are single umpire games until the semis (and in many cases until the championship game). This is due to tournaments not being willing to pay the umpires, but I suspect that if this changed overnight, there would not be enough umpires anyway.