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Old Fri Jul 22, 2016, 02:31pm
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Originally Posted by BoomerSooner View Post
Are the games time limited? Will this umpire be working the plate for all 6 games? Also, is there any kind of break between the games?

While I agree that both scheduling and accepting 6 games in a row seems a little foolish because it probably isn't necessary, I can't say that it is something that should be condemned. If the games are time limited to an hour, 6 games in a row would be comparable to a MLB double-header (3+ hours per game). Admittedly there is a substantial break between the games of a double-header, but there is single plate umpire for each game of the double header meaning 1 guy stands behind the plate in his gear for 3+ hours. If the umpire working 6 games in the OP probably rotates between bases and plate, he might spend 3+ hours cumulatively working the plate but he is getting a break from it every other game.

My 2 points are 1. that it may not be as bad as it sounds, and it certainly isn't unthinkable. It isn't something that I would encouraged, but some people can handle it. It beats a day in the sun/heat doing manual labor like construction or roofing or something like that, and we aren't running around worried that our roofers and landscapers performed terribly during the last couple hours of their work day. And the important point 2. regardless of the circumstances, take care of yourselves out in the heat. Hydrate before, during and after the game. Water is best, but remember hydrating isn't just about liquid intake. We also have to replace other nutrients lost in sweat. Sodium and potassium are two of the big ones, and eating fruits and nuts prior to and during prolonged activity can help maintain the proper balances.
Disagree. You cannot compare a softball game with 1or2 umpires to an MLB double header with 4 umpires, longer breaks between innings and often not the entire day in the sun.

And the stamina isn't necessarily the issue as some umpires can handle it. But what does it cost? There is no way an umpire will be 100% from first to last pitch. I've seen it too often where the guys who brag about how many games they do in a day, don't come close to showing the hustle necessary to properly cover all the calls. Many, if not most, will come right out and state they have to pace themselves. I've also heard umpires use it as an excuse to a coach as to why s/he couldn't get to a decent position to make a call.

Point is it is not healthy for the umpire or the game and certainly not fair to the teams.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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