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Old Fri Jul 15, 2016, 03:42pm
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
Well, if it makes you feel any better, in ASA touching the black is same as touching the plate
To those wondering how that statement is reconciled with the prior statement regarding the actual width (measurement) of the plate, I offer the following explanation.

The bases (bags) are also a defined width; 15" square. But that (square) is a two-dimensional object, while the base has sides (ie, a height). If a runner is in contact with the side of a base, we consider that "on" the base, right?

Home plate has an edge (in black), which also can/should be considered a side to the plate. It is, partially, by the nature of the flare; it is not, partially, as it also extends beyond the stated dimension. Since there can be zero consistency in determining which part is side, which part is an extension, it is for consistency sake that the black be considered the side, and a runner touching ANY PART of the physical object is to be considered to be touching the plate.

Paraphrased, again from the prior ASA NUS regime leaders, HP and MB.
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