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Old Wed Jul 13, 2016, 02:31pm
teebob21 teebob21 is offline
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Irish - this is probably the best summary in layman's terms I've seen in the thread. I went back and re-watched the play after realizing I was 5 posts into this thread without seeing it again after my first post. I'll agree that this is an out under 8-7-B.

Youngump - I know you're trying to get me to think through the interpretation with evermore improbable scenarios, which is a good way to logically test the rules. However, I think we're beyond the pale on instances that apply to this play.

Cecil - Completely agree on the highlighting of inconsistencies. There are a number of points raised in this thread, and the ASA rules I cited, that could benefit from clarification, such as:

- Define "reaches a base": When this term is used in the book, it seems to include passing and touching.
- Define "passes a base": What is the point at which a base is considered passed, especially when there is no attempt to advance past it? The consensus seems to be the base line connecting the base in question and the next one, regardless of the direction the runner is moving. Other than common sense (which isn't always applicable ) I can't find this in the book.
- Define the conditions for a legal overrun at 1B more clearly
- Live ball appeal requirements
- The Overslide definition

Et cetera...
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Umpiring Goals: Call the knee strike accurately (getting the low pitch since 2017)/NCAA D1 postseason/ISF-WBSC Certification/Nat'l Indicator Fraternity(completed)
"I'm gonna call it ASA for the foreseeable future. You all know what I mean."
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