Originally Posted by wrigleywannabe
Obviously, she has the ball and has it controlled. I call the runner out.
Third base coach starts yelling, when I ask him what he wants, he points to second.
During the call at home, the batter/runner had gone to second base.
Her initial hit had been bobbled by the SS, which caused the runner on third to break and the throw to go there.
After talking to my partner between innings. turns out she never even hesitated. Base coach was waving her to second as soon as he saw the throw was going home.
Once I told the coach I had to make sure the catcher had the ball and I can't call time on live ball, he calms down right away, seems to realize what I'm getting at.
I don't get the issue. BR/R going to 2nd is clearly what she should do.
What does "never hesitated" have to do with it?
Why would a coach want time out then?