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Old Thu Jun 23, 2016, 11:23am
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by bob jenkins View Post
Agreed, and an illegal position can (but doesn't always) become legal by the actions of A1 obtaining the ball (as in the case play referenced at the start of this thread).

Hmm... what happens if A1 without the ball goes airborne, b1 then moves into the path (but beyond the landing spot), A1 receives the ball (making B1's position legal), A1 then passes the ball, lands on one foot and crashes into B1?
Good question.

I think that B1 would be legal. Once A1 has the ball, the time & distance requirements are met making B1's position legal. A1 then giving up the ball doesn't negate a position that was legal.
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