Thread: 2016-17 POE's
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Old Wed Jun 15, 2016, 08:18am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by Freddy View Post
Was anyone else looking for clarification as to whether a foul is merited by mere contact with the thrower after a lane space player crosses into the semicircle before the ball strikes the ring, or whether the contact must rise above incidental?
I might be wrong, but I think that still is an open question in some states.
POE #4 says, " and displacement of the free thrower is illegal and shall be enforced." So maybe something in Rule 10 stipulating "more than incidental" will be added to state that clearly.
Perhaps that will be an unannounced change to the rulesbook when it comes out later.
Am I on the right track here? Or off the rails?
If we believe the grammar (and I'm not sure we can) both contact AND displacement will be required to have a foul. If either would lead to a foul, then the verb would be "are."

(And, since you can't have displacement without contact, that word would be superfluous.)
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