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Old Wed Jun 08, 2016, 03:59pm
jmkupka jmkupka is offline
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Posts: 648
thought about that... seems to me the violation happens when she breaks contact:

In the extreme, say she backs up 3 steps as the ball's coming down, and times it to be stepping on the back the instant the ball is first touched, running at full speed. Absurd of course, but it is the whole point of the rule.
You'd be calling her out 3 steps back, right?

In my case, she was only 4-5 inches back, but that's when the violation occurred.

And I'm wrong... I didn't call her out when she lifted her foot. I decided to call her out when she lifted her foot. I was too busy being astounded that I'm about to call this obscure ruling for the 1st time in my career

I hope I wouldn't have called it if she didn't take off... we'll never know

BTW, does the rule allow for that caveat?
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