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Old Wed May 25, 2016, 10:59am
Dad Dad is offline
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Originally Posted by Rich View Post
I work about 80% of my games where one of my partners is the same person.

It's comfortable, sure, but I quite enjoy when I'm paired with people I haven't worked with before or not too often.

I disagree with the whole "pregame will fix it" nonsense, though. You can't take someone who won't blow a whistle and get him to blow it with some magical words 30 minutes before gametime.
You've also been doing this for a very long time and know how to work with people you've never met before. It's an art and some officials put off or never learn how to do it.

I've always found a good pregame to be important. Even if it's to warm people up to each other. I wouldn't call it nonsense. While it obviously won't fix everything, it's always made my officiating experience far more enjoyable. I understand it's not for everyone and don't expect it. For me, it's just part of my game. Half the battle is sizing up your partners and knowing what to talk about. If someone is checked out then I'm clearing doing it wrong.
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