First of all...Pinch runners and Courtesy runners are two different things.
A pinch runner is another term for a substitute. This means that the player that is on base is removed from the game and a substitute takes their place. In order for the first player to play again, they must use their re-entry to return to the lineup. A substitute is a player that is not in the starting lineup.
A Courtesy runner is a player that is allowed to run the bases for a player that safely earns their way on base with a hit, walk, etc. This is not considered a substitute and the player that batted has not left the game and will go back on defense at the end of the half-inning.
It has been my experience that lineup rules and courtesy runner rules are the most often modified rules in local leagues.
Your understanding of the new (2016) ASA Courtesy runner rule for SP is correct.
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!