Originally Posted by RKBUmp
Exactly how are they deceiving the runner? The rule lookback rule clearly states they cannot leave the base when the pitcher is in possession of the ball within the circle. Lets use another example. Runner on 2, pitcher with ball in circle, F5 leaves 3rd and runs into circle to tell pitcher something. Runner sees 3rd uncovered and takes off. You going to consider that deceiving the runner? The runners must be aware of the situation, if the pitcher has the ball in the circle they cannot leave the base.
Reverse it, pitcher and catcher go back to the circle but catcher has the ball. Are you going to call time and protect the defense because they were stupid?
The difference, as I've seen explained, is that F2 will almost always ask for time before going to talk to F1 (F5 wouldn't do that), so the one time she doesn't (with runner on 3B) could only be interpreted as a deceptive act.
Please note: everything that is good about my umpiring skills and rule interpreting, I have learned from this forum (and experience). I wouldn't have been prepared to make this ruling if I hadn't seen it here first.