Thread: Courtesy Runner
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Old Wed May 11, 2016, 05:38pm
josephrt1 josephrt1 is offline
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Originally Posted by CecilOne View Post
Mike is correct, but some umpires make mistakes.
The defense should appeal asap, but the CR is not illegal until a pitch is thrown or a play made. The player is disqualified.
If the CR scored, then still DQ, but the run still counts.
I agree umpire should prevent this from happening, but at least in ASA, once reported, the CR is in the game, even before a pitch is thrown. Rule 8.10F reads "Once the courtesy runner is designated for that half inning, the pitcher or catcher for whom they are running may not return to run while the courtesy runner is on base. A courtesy runner cannot run for a courtesy runner." There was also a case play from a year ago.

From June 2015 ASA Umpire Website
Play: In the top of the third inning B7 the catcher gets a base hit. The coach whose team is only batting 9, reports in Thompson to be a Courtesy Runner and Thompson takes their place on 1B. The umpire puts the ball back in play and before a pitch is thrown the coach calls time and changes their mind or made a mistake and he wants to put Johnson in as the Courtesy Runner. Is this legal?
Ruling: No, this is not legal. Since Thompson was submitted to the Plate Umpire and Thompson had taken their place at 1B, Thompson is the legal Courtesy Runner. By rule you cannot have a courtesy runner run for a courtesy runner. Rule 8 Section 10F.
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