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Old Sat May 07, 2016, 06:47am
CecilOne CecilOne is offline
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Originally Posted by teebob21 View Post
Something I picked up a while back....During a game with time limits between innings, I always make sure I cover it at pre-game: "One minute between innings, and we're on a clock. I want to make sure as much of that as possible is spent playing ball."

After the 3rd out, once the first defender is on the field, I start counting in my head. When I get to 35 or so, I tell the catcher to take it down to 2B, regardless of the pitch count. If they want to huddle by the dugout, I start counting then.

Never had a problem with game speed doing this. I usually joke with my partners after pregame "See you in an hour and a half." before taking our spots on the field. When we play against 1:45 time limits, I try to play my 7 innings in that hour and a half.
Not a bad idea, but I try to avoid rules at the plate meeting (other than lineups, legal equip, ground rules).

Doesn't 35 or so deprive the pitcher of at least one pitch.

I never tell the catcher to throw down, that's her option, just let her know "last pitch" or "one more".

I never joke about time, to avoid the teams feeling like that's my only priority.
Bad story about that, but too long to type.

philosophy: practice pitches help the pitcher throw more strikes in live play.
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