Then if trickery is allowed,what if....
R1 on 3rd R2 on 1st..
Shortstop is playing almost behind pitcher.. Ball is pitched out to batter..R2 is going on the pitch..catcher comes up firing but does not release the ball..SS tags R2..R2 thinking she was tagged stops...R1 believing there was a throw heads to home where she is tagged by the catcher who then throws to 1st who then tags R2.
Deceitful play..NFHS says you cannot fag a tag. So this deceitful play is not allowed. NFHS rules do not mention that other deceitful plays are legal.
It does state,however, that any deceitful play or any play that is not in the spirit of fair play is unsportsmanlike conduct. Don't see how you could rule any other way. If the hidden ball trick is not a deceitful play...then what would you call it???
What about in football the old fumble-rooski..?????