Originally Posted by chapmaja
The home teams comes out for the top half of an inning (3rd I think), and has a different pitcher pitching. The PU goes over and tells the home coach that he needs to report changes in the pitchers position. The switch was moving the CF to pitcher, previous pitcher to 1b, and previous 1b to CF. I know the home coach argued this with the PU, but I was in my position and did not feel the need to enter the discussion.
In HS ball, the position changes are not required to be reported to the umpire are they? I could not find a reference to the requirement to list position changes, only changes to the lineup. Am I wrong? I know it is much easier to have a coach report changes to the pitcher or catcher for CR purposes, but is it required. I think NCAA requires all position changes to be reported, but not NFHS.
Not a rule requirement, but maybe it should be.
A question I have had is what to do if the pitcher was changed, not reported or noted at the time. Then the team wants a CR for the new pitcher, and the ump realizes it was the new one pitching, but not reported.