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Old Fri Apr 29, 2016, 04:29pm
BlueDevilRef BlueDevilRef is offline
High Five Master
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Southwest Missouri
Posts: 669
If ball is touching ground, then no out, ball is on the ground.

With the heaters, I actually had this once. It was with box fans, one team had them and other didn't. The "offended" team wanted me to make the other team shut off the fans. I said no and advised I could direct them to the closest store to buy a couple of fans. Otherwise, I would not be involved in that.

And sounds like your JV is played on its own night by itself. Here it just follows our varsity game and is rarely anything more than a short 3/3/3 or 3/3/5. That said, I would, even in a varsity game, inform anyone who was not required to be there that they can leave anytime they please. And if she was required to be there i.e. Getting paid....,suck it up and be quiet.
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