Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
It remains in two locations, it just doesn't reference a running lane, just running in a manner that interferes with a fielder taking a throw at first base.
12.2.7 and
12.25.2 is worded identically to these rules. By the magic that is NCAA rulemaking, it's covered in triplicate within Rule 12. They all include
"Note: A batter-runner being hit with a thrown ball does not necessarily constitute interference." That is what happened. My BR did not prevent the fielder from doing anything or interfere with F3 in anyway...rather, the ball never made it to 1B because the throw struck the BR. I interpret all of these rule entries + the supplemental material as saying the BR is out for interfering with the
fielder taking the throw. Contact would be the most likely example, but there are others, such as anything intentional.
Is this interpretation too narrow?