Transgender Issues facing Co-ed Slowpitch
So I'm not taking any side on this, but I was thinking about this on the weekend at a Coed SP Tourney, mostly fuelled by the recent insanity in the southern states.
The rules (at least in ISF) are very clear about the makeup of a team-- 5 men and 5 women (or 6/6) batting alternatively. Outfield two men/two women. Infield two men/two women. Pitcher/Catcher man and woman.
So...I'm sure this will eventually be a larger issue. What happens if and when there's a transgender player? The ruleset doesn't say anything about "man" or "woman" refers to sex at birth or identified sex? For that matter, how do we deal with gender binary/fluid gender individuals?
Say a manager protests what they perceive to be two men batting consecutively, but the second is a transgender woman. Do we ask preop/postop? Do we defer to the governing federation and simply say play on under protest?
How should a federation handle an umpire that refuses to call a game with transgender players?
Last edited by bsnalex; Tue Apr 26, 2016 at 09:18am.
Reason: n/a