Originally Posted by chapmaja
This relates to the question about a JV game last week and some issues there.
You arrive at the field and notice the field is improperly marked in the following ways,
1) The pitchers circle is half the diameter it should be.
2) The foul line down the first base line (infield) is a curving mess.
3) There is no 3 foot running lane drawn on the first base side.
4) There are no on deck circles drawn.
The coaches were made aware of this in the pregame.
As an umpire what do you do regarding the incorrect lines after the game?
Do you
a) forget about it.
b) email the AD and let him know that there was an issue.
c) contact the state association regarding the incorrectly marked field.
This was a JV game, but was played on the varsity field for the high school in question.
Wipe out the lines the best you can and move on with the game. The lines are aesthetic and have no bearing on the application of the rules.
Report to the proper authorities at earliest convenience
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.