Originally Posted by Benchcoach
SITUATION 5: The pitcher places his pivot foot on the pitching plate with the toe of the pivot foot in front of a line through the front edge of the plate and the heel of his pivot foot behind the back edge. His non-pivot foot is in front of the line extending through the front edge of the pitching plate. The pitcher attempted to pick-off the runner at second base. RULING: This is an illegal pitching position. When the pitcher moved in his pick-off attempt, he made an illegal pitch and a balk would be enforced. (6-1-2 Penalty)...
If I'm interpreting this properly, I would not see this as illegal if there was a large ditch in front of the pitcher's plate. I would see this as a legal adaptation necessary to pick off to second base if the assumed RHP intended to spin left without stepping off. If he were to follow the rule, he could break his ankle due to poor field/mound conditions.