Originally Posted by Andy
Standing off to the side along the third base line with your mask off will eventually allow somebody to figure out that there is still a play in progress.
I can't say I have ever had this happen with a D3K, but I have had it plenty of time when I have called Ball 4 and the batter stays in the box.
If it's a timed game...even better... 
Had this happen Thursday this week in a HS varsity game, Andy. Batter swings at a ball low and in the dirt for strike 3. I signal with the hammer and say "Three" as well as give the safe-sign indicating a D3K (NCAA mechanic, oops!). The batter-runner takes off for 1B, and F2 throws down to F3. F3 is nowhere near the bag, and she continues taking the ball around the horn.
The BR reaches 1B, overruns.....and jogs to the dugout. I stood and watched. Nobody on either team says anything. The ball is still going around when the BR enters the dugout. I called a dead ball, pointed at the dugout, and said "The batter is out."
Do coaches teach the runners to run on all third strikes, rather than teach them why?