As of today, Mark, Jr., has had 12 of his original 17 assignments canceled because of rain and/or snow, or unplayable fields as the result of rain and/or snow. He was able to replace two (I gave up a VAR baseball assignment so the starving college student could take my place with the approval of our assigner) of the original assignments with other games, for a total loss of $1,135 in game fees.
As of today, I have had 8 of my original 11 assignments canceled because of rain, snow, or unplayable fields as a result of rain and/or snow, or unplayable fields as the result of rain and/or snow.
I was able to pick up one game when I was supposed to be watching him umpire a women's college softball DH, for a total loss of $545 in game fees.
And naturally there is an interesting story involving Mark, Jr.'s college DH. His DH was at Adrain (Mich.) College and had a 03:30pm start. We left Toledo at 01:15pm after he got out of his 12:00pm Physics class, we went through a Burger King to get Junior lunch, and we arrived at Adrian Coll. at 02:15pm. I dropped him off at the softball complex and headed to a Wendy's to have lunch (it also meant that I could use the head before, during, and after lunch) before going back to watch Mark umpire.
Keep in mind that I had blocked all of my assigners on Arbiter for the day, so I was surprised when our Michigan baseball assigner called me at 03:12pm as I was walking out of Wendy's. He wanted to know if I could umpire a VAR baseball game at Adrian (Mich.) H.S. which is only about two miles from where I was, LOL.
I told him where I was and that I would umpire the game. I also told him that I only had OhioHSAA branded uniforms in my van. He told me he didn't care. He was extremely mad at the umpire I would be replacing; he had been running a fever all day and waited until 03:10pm to call him and tell him that he could not umpire. I went back to the softball complex and told Mark where I was headed. I umpired my game and got back to Mark's game in time to watch him umpire the Plate for the last 3-1/2 innings of the 05:30pm. The best part, his game fee was more than three times my game fee and still the "old man" bought dinner,
MTD, Sr.