Thread: NFHS Catch
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Old Thu Apr 07, 2016, 08:53pm
Tru_in_Blu Tru_in_Blu is offline
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Or is it not yet?

Has the ball hit the ground? If not can the fielder retrieve the ball inside the glove by picking up the glove? Does that make it a catch yet or would she need to throw the ball to first base to retire the BR?

She did not throw her glove at the ball, so there is no penalty there.

Another related situation. Batter hits a popup near home plate - not very high. F2 searching for the ball removes her helmet and the ball falls into it. F2 did not move her helmet towards the ball, the ball just landed there. (Hey, if there are case studies that think a thrown ball can end up in the umpire's ball bag, this is just as ludicrous, er, possible.) She then reaches into the helmet to retrieve the ball. Is THAT at catch? Or ruled fair or foul depending on the location of the ball when it landed? Or a DDB?
USA & NFHS Softball
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