As you described your TV, it was, in my judgment, ostentatious. I am the receiver of the message, and I will interpret it as I will.
"characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others"
Bling on music artists is ostentatious and it doesn't matter how they came about their shiny baubles. The origin of the item makes it no less conspicuous.
We cannot see your TV but you felt it important enough that we all know about it.
I believe you made that comment exactly to impress others and/or lend credibility to your observations. After all, those watching on a Sony Trinitron from 1995 wouldn't have been able to see the pitcher's hand, much less something on her finger. Right?
A lot of rules books could be written a lot better. I only read 2 sanctions and that's plenty for me.