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Old Tue Mar 29, 2016, 03:38pm
SWMOzebra SWMOzebra is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 266
Eh, Mulkey got what she deserved. She was on Kyle Bacon beginning with his foul call at 5:53 in the 1st period. At 3:01 (still in the 1st), she's shouting across the floor to Lisa Mattingly about what she says was a no call on a hold.

Admittedly, a holding call against Oregon State was missed by the crew on a loose ball at 2:04 (yes, still 1st period). The ball goes OOB near Baylor's bench and Bacon (now the new T) gives it back to Oregon State. Mulkey's losing her mind (at least, what's left of it) and Carla Fountain comes from the baseline and clearly gives Mulkey a warning.

Her shenanigans continued in the 2nd period: the jacket toss, her wave-off of Bacon after his illegal screen call with 6.3 seconds remaining, and her other wave-off of him as she walked off the court at the end of the first half. Frankly, I'm surprised it took them as long as it did to ring her. Like others have said ... this is just Kim Mulkey getting away with what Kim Mulkey gets away with nearly every game.
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
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