Originally Posted by bas2456
Is that Goose Gossage behind that keyboard?!?
In all seriousness, I see your point, however, I have to ask...who exactly are the bench players hurting by celebrating? Are their celebrations unsporting? In my opinion, if they ask officials to stop the game to deal with bench decorum after a huge dunk, officials will become even more of the "bad guy" than they already are in the eyes of everyone but other officials.
Officials have bigger fish to fry, like getting down the floor to officiate the break going the other way.
Because doesn't the rulebook say that bench personnel are allowed to stand up to applaud a good play but then immediately sit back down? That doesn't happen anymore. Everyone's faking heart attacks or pretending to reel in a giant fish.
I don't have my book handy. What's the actual wording or rule reference?