For several years, I assigned for 5 leagues and I umpired in several of those leagues. I had no complaints from umpires or the leagues about what games I took. My approach was to get the umpires' preferences, match those against the evaluations I had done, then look at the teams' preferences and make the schedule. I put my games in last - and I ended up working more than I originally wanted to. That was the beginning of my umpiring over 300 games a year. When I uic a tournament, it is with the provision that I will select the majority of the umpires and will do all the assigining. If I end up working some of those games, it is only on Saturday - never during the single elimination rounds. Bob's warning is on target.
Today, all but one of the assignors I work through also assign themselves games. The only exception is the one who doesn't umpire at all - he just assigns.
I am not convinced that the extra money from assigning is enough to cover the nuisance that comes with assigning, but it's a "job" that needs to be done. And it will give you a different perspective.
Steve M