Originally Posted by chapmaja
We had a March in Michigan JV DH the other day. Cold, with a mist starting late in the second game.
This does bring up a couple questions.
One, when do you folks feel it is time to call a game due to darkness?
When I see players, or my partner not reacting to a batted or thrown ball as they normally would.
As a BU, I would take a stroll into the outfield between inning to try and get an idea of what the outfield is seeing. As a PU, I may walk out as far as either base to get an idea of what the infielders are seeing.
Either way, I would report my opinion to my partner, including how it looks from being the plate and tell him/her not to hesitate if s/he notices a change in the visual conditions from whatever position being used.
Point is that an umpire must recognize and take into consideration that the view from a position behind the plate may not be the same for everyone on the field.
Unless it is obvious that the light will diminish quickly, I wouldn't announce that you have predetermined the final inning. I've seen it happen where the crew told both coaches in a hit-fest type of game that "this will be the last inning" only to have the inning go so quickly, they were put in a position of re-evaluating the previous decision and either way, one team is not going to be happy.