Originally Posted by Umpire@1
IMO it is just an ugly slide that resulted in a train wreck. And I question the NCAA mechanics that has no one at the plate for the play?
I guess PU was at 3rd as the manual dictates.
I don't know which SEC officials were working this game, but I'm not going to be particularly critical of their original intent here. You can't see it on camera, but I think this PU went a bit too far picking up his possible responsibility at 3B, absent a play...which led to a late read by U1 stranding him 60 feet away. I re-watched Video 1, and the play at the plate happens 5 seconds or less after the BR touches 1B. No one I know can cover the 90+ feet from a calling position behind 1B and move to the point of the plate while staying out of the throwing lane in that amount of time. PU needed to read the play made by F9 a little better.
Powder blue since 1998. Longtime forum lurker.
Umpiring Goals: Call the knee strike accurately (getting the low pitch since 2017)/NCAA D1 postseason/ISF-WBSC Certification/Nat'l Indicator Fraternity(completed)
"I'm gonna call it ASA for the foreseeable future. You all know what I mean."
Last edited by teebob21; Fri Mar 25, 2016 at 01:25am.