Originally Posted by teebob21
Instead of the catcher, let's imagine this play at 3B. A runner from 2B intends to score on a base hit to LF. When rounding 3B, the runner intentionally runs over and through F5 who is waiting for the cutoff throw. There is no ASA rule support for an out or a dead ball.
If the fielder has the ball when the crash is initiated by the runner, we have the RS #13 and 8-7-Q rule support. Otherwise, a strict interpretation of the rules would lead me to believe we play on, and eject at the conclusion of play.
In NFHS, if the initiator of the malicious contact is the offensive player, the play is dead immediately and the offender is declared out (if not already having been put out).
While ASA doesn't seem to have an out unless the defender has the ball and awaiting to tag the runner, is there anything that says the play would be dead immediately as in NFHS?