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Old Thu Mar 24, 2016, 04:03pm
jwwashburn jwwashburn is offline
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Originally Posted by Matt View Post
The threshold for verbal obstruction is if the statement is said to an offensive player or mimics an offensive participant.
Where did you get that wording?

ART. 1 . . . Obstruction is an act (intentional or unintentional, as well as physical or verbal) by a fielder, any member of the defensive team or its team personnel that hinders a runner or changes the pattern of play as in 5-1-3 and 8-3-2; or when a catcher or fielder hinders a batter as in
5-1-2b, 8-1-1e, 8-3-1c and 8-3-2. When obstruction occurs, the ball becomes dead at the end of playing action and the umpire has authority to determine which base or bases shall be awarded the runners according to the rule violated (Exceptions 8-4-2c, 8-4-2d).
ART. 2. . . A fake tag is an act by a defensive player without the ball that simulates a tag. A fake tag is considered obstruction.
ART. 3 . . . The fielder without possession of the ball denies access to the base the runner is attempting to achieve.
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