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Old Fri Aug 08, 2003, 06:24pm
Bob Lyle Bob Lyle is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 180

After lurking here for several months, this is my first post and I have a weird question.

American Legion tournament, no one on, 1 out, 2-2 count. The catcher short hopped a curve ball in the dirt that the batter swung and missed. The batter started back to the third base dugout and just before entering it someone told him to run. The ball was being thrown around the infield because the defense was celebrating the strikeout. The fielders were not paying attention.

The BR raced across the infield, near the mound, and started to pass the surprised pitcher, who had his back toward the BR and who tried to get out of the way at the last minute, but they ended up colliding with each other.

The umpires ruled obstruction on the pitcher and awarded the BR first base.

The coach for the defense ended up getting ejected along with the pitcher. Since I was only a fan, I don't know what was said or what the umpires were thinking. Would one of the rules gurus please enlighten me.

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