Has anyone tried the Shoe Magik brand kit that Honig's sells? It has this great cleaner that cleans and softens the leather. Then the wax adds more leather conditioning, softening and a nice shine. I love it so far because it has brought my older pair of shoes back to life.
Socks and sore feet... Gosh that is a tough question. The only suggestion I have is to massage your feet before and after the game with something soothing like Peppermint foot lotion. Fitted socks probably work the best.
Knickers: I like Honig's athletic cut. More room in the seat and thighs.
Flag: I prefer no tape on mine. I love the center ball style and I found that using a ladies/girls pony-tail hair band keeps the ball tighter and is more durable than rubber bands. Plus you can buy these in yellow to match the color of the flag.
I love the cloth bean bags but I'm going back to vinyl this year. Much easier to keep clean.
http://www.honigs.com is my choice for uniform stuff.
Game cards: Paper or plastic depending on the weather. I write down everything in my note book after the game. For example, if a player or coach is ejected we have to write a letter to the league because depending on the circumstances that individual may have to sit out for the next game.
[Edited by Mike Simonds on Aug 8th, 2003 at 01:54 PM]