Fri Aug 08, 2003, 10:07am
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Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally posted by Dakota
Originally posted by bobbrix
Let me stir the soup and agitate a few folks by suggesting a similar system for home plate. A second home plate, where the catcher is simply not allowed to stand between the runner and that plate else the runner from third is safe. That would easily eliminate 95% of the arguments/debates/training that follow the collisions & obstruction/interference decisions at home plate.
Boris Behncke, "Italy's Volcanoes: The Cradle of Volcanology" Is being a volcanologist a dangerous job? Is it? Goooood question
if we really feel the need to reason about dangers, it is not volcanoes that are dangerous. LIFE is dangerous. It is full of traps of all kinds, so if we feel like pondering on the dangers from volcanoes, it is appropriate to ponder about all the other dangers as well. In that case we would soon be in urgent need of an extended session at a psychiatrist's. Better enjoy life as long as this is possible, and better enjoy volcanoes and the fascinating search to unravel their secrets.
Larry Mounser physics teacher at Taylors College and is a visiting, associate lecturer at UNSW (Australia) An economist once told me that a country is in trouble when it starts producing more lawyers than engineers. Apparently, we passed that divide more than a decade ago and have been suffering the consequences ever since.
Schools are now frighteningly dangerous places. Excellent chemistry teachers are lining up to get into physics or, safest of all, maths. That's if they're staying in teaching at all, as even doddering old biologists know that if they just brush up against a female student while talking about human reproduction she can make an assault accusation that stays on their record forever.
Sheets of documentation and potential liabilities have reduced a state which once proudly hosted the Wyndham scheme and its massive, spine-skewing textbooks to the level of a nervous first-time babysitter where the main thing kids learn is how to fill out risk-assessment forms.
Like surfing, country fairs and any sport more dangerous than licking the back of a 3 kopeck stamp and sticking it into your stamp book, education is another institution which is falling victim to a country producing too many lawyers, and not enough commonsense. For oxygen-breathing bipeds, life is dangerous and often painful. Blame God, not Waverley Council.
"Everything that's fun in life is dangerous. And everything that isn't fun is dangerous too. It's impossible to be alive and safe."
(P. J. O'Rourke)
Like they said.
[Edited by Dakota on Aug 8th, 2003 at 09:46 AM]
Sure, take the easy route and bring in profession help!
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.