Not talking championship play here, just weekend tourney FP or Rec SP adults. Don't do Regional/Nationals cuz I don't like the politics involved.
Typically in slowpitch I'm looking first for bats I've seen a hundred times before then I'll look for bats that I haven't seen before. Adult rec guys try and sneak in "new" non ASA bats quite often. Then I look for beat up bats. These will get tossed from time to time for cracks and rattles and grips. Then I'll look to see if I remember the banned bat list and there's a bat I think might be on that list from a visual standpoint. If I find a similar one, I'll then check model #, etc. Very few get by me.
Fastpitch, the only bats I've ever pulled were beat up and cracked or bats with rattles........the girls don't try and cheat......
Wish I'da umped before I played. What a difference it would'a made!