Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Please note that:
2)Mr. Graham was black-listed by Chicago area assignors for his despicable actions.
I would really like to know how you seem to know this? Considering that I have never heard of this individual and do not know what association he belongs to, I think unless you have some proof it is really not right to make that claim. Because the "Chicago Assignors" might not put in on the "perferred list," but to suggest that he was black-listed over is a stretch at best. I did look up this individual and he is only an X official (registered, lowest ranking). This means that he is not really elgible for a playoff game, he probably is not on a regular varsity crew (that is a guess but typical of his ranking) and is probably but not even a regular IHSA official. Just because you have a license, does not mean you are doing many games.